Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Since everyone in the Crapo household has been on his or her deathbed (ok, not the Rocket Scientist) for the past little while, there has been no updates on our everyday goings on. So here's a brief list of newness, some of which is not so new anymore.
Handsome Face has a tooth. Actually, he has two teeth. It's been awhile. He can also climb like nobodys business. Funny thing is he gets up on chairs and things, loves standing there and banging his fists for awhile, and then starts crying because he can't get down again. The dreaded "I want my mommy and only my mommy" stage has arrived (or did arrive several weeks ago) so he now follows me all over the house. Funny how this stage and crawling arrived at the same time. I was so looking forward to crawling because he was such an independent little pup. Now I just can't get away from him. But it's funny to watch him follow me into the kitchen. He HATES crawling on the tile and so he really starts fussing then.
Cute Girl is, well, Cute Girl. As stubborn and pigheaded as ever. She's finally decided that she really can use the bathroom by herself. She's known how to for ages, just never wanted to. It's like the sleeping fight all over again. Perfectly capable, just doesn't want to. Actually, we keep revisiting the sleep fight every few weeks. We're on a good run right now.
They are both on their way back to health. We still have runny noses and coughs hanging around. Handsome Face was hit worst with high fevers for three or four days. Cute Girl had it relatively easy - only she has the worst cough now.
Well, that's the kids. And they're all anybody really cares about anyways.