Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Saturday's Picnic

On Saturday we went to a company appreciation picnic for The Rocket Scientist's work. It turned out to be a lot of fun. We met up with a couple that he knew from BYU and they're also in our Stake. Their little boy and Cute Girl got to hang out together.
The food was fabulous. Grilled steak and chicken, grilled peppers and onions, beans and tortillas. Yum-O! And then there was Schwan's ice cream treats! I had to have two. It's not often I get such fancy ice cream.
Here we are visiting the clown for some face painting. She got a Thomas the Tank Engine on her cheek cause she's in love with trains (she's getting one for her birthday on Friday, but don't tell her that!) and her arm was adorned with a rainbow. The clown also put on a magic show in which Cute Girl got a Giggle Bug Ring. She also got a balloon flower. It popped while she was on the playground so we got another before we left. Unfortunately its lying on my bedroom floor deflated. She keeps telling me to fix it.
There were two pinatas at the end of the day - one for big kids and one for little kids. The big kids devoured both. They were chanting "Kill 'em, Kill 'em!" The Rocket Scientist kept saying he felt like he was in Lord of the Flies. He wouldn't even take Cute Girl into the fray to get any candy because he felt their lives were in danger.
Overall it was a good day. No pictures of Handsome Face, but he mostly just sat around and watched people.