Cute Girl just turned three! She's so grown-up! Her birthday was a blast! Unfortunately, it started with a trip to the doctor. It wasn't supposed to be bad and she was fine with going because I assurred her that she didn't have to get a shot. But once we got there the nurse informed us that there was a mumps (or measles?) outbreak and she would be getting her MMR a year early. I felt so bad! But she took it like a trooper. She held my hand and was very still. And the nurse gaver her Princess stickers! Oh, and a paddle ball for her birthday too!
That night her favorite nursery leaders, the McNeills, and their son, Dallin, came over for a bbq. Later on our friends, the Garcias, came too. She and Dallin had a rough beginning as they had both just woken up but by the end of the night they were having a good ol' time!
As for birthday loot, well, she got too much. My friend Christina stopped by earlier in the day and gave her a Disney Princess tea party set. Oh, my, the girliness.
Here is the cool horse/train set that Grandma sent. Opening clothes from Mom and Dad.
Her new cash register! She loves to "play money." She's a very good shopper.
Here she is the next day, using the paint-with-water books Grandma sent.
She also got a stuffed bunny from the Garcia's, a shopping cart from us (which she opened on Saturday because the original had a crack in it which my husband discovered while trying to put it together before her party; it had to go back), a pretty blue dress, a frog on a stick that opens his mouth, and a Finding Nemo cereal bowl, all from Grandma. And she still has at least four more presents coming, most of which are from my sister. Oh, and one great-grandmother sent her a chalkboard placemat and another sent her money which she used to buy baby doll clothes, dress-up shoes, and a bouncy ball. Like I said, she got way too much.
Here's the birthday wishin', candle blowin', Cute Girl Grinin' portion of the evening. She wanted a strawberry cake for her birthday and she had it picked out of the cookbook three weeks in advance. Every now and again she would ask to see the picture in the book. It had strawberry creamcheese frosting. Yum! And I mixed up some vanilla ice cream and her daddy froze it in the backyard. We still have over half a gallon of homemade ice cream in the freezer. It's never going away!
Now that is one great sounding cake and I wish we were closer to share in your never ending supply of ice cream. Happy Birthday, Cute Girl! We miss you all!
I love her first and second attempts at blowing out the candles. I think the fingers were supposed to be directing the air. She is so dang cute. Great job on the cake! Happy Birthday.
Doesn't it just seem like yesterday when they were teeny babies all rolling around on the floor together and you and Aubrey and I were beginning to realize the glory of playdates? seriously, i can't believe they're three already.
Wow, time flies. I can't believe Cute Girl is already 3! Looks like she scored big time.
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