Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

I do hope you all felt extra loved today. I know I did. My loving husband and darling children gave me some beautiful gifts that I absolutely love! But the things that made me most happy weren't wrapped in pretty paper or bows.
My husband was determined to bring me breakfast in bed, just like every Mother's Day, and so I was shut IN the bedroom and the children were shut OUT. When all was finally ready, in rushed my darling girl and her brother came crawling in right behind her. The joy on their faces from finally being able to see their mommy was fantastic. I loved scooping them up and holding them close more than the gifts and breakfast they came bearing (although those were good too!).
The day continued in the same fashion - me being perpetually spoiled by my husband and loved by my children. And at the end of the day, as we said bedtime prayers, I heard, "Bless Mommy and bless Mother's Day. And bless Mommy to have a good Mother's Day."
I just love her. And him. And I love being their mom. And I love that they love me being there mom. I think that's the best part.