Thursday, May 15, 2008

Any Bright Ideas?

I am at a loss today, and I hate when that happens. No one got enough sleep last night and so everyone is cranky. Instead of going running, I put a little boy down for a nap at seven o'clock this morning because he woke up before five. And since I did too, I didn't really feel like dragging everyone out for a turn around the neighborhood anyway. And now that our regular schedule is down the drain and we're all cranky, I'm at a loss. What do we do today? Other than a quick 15 minute scrub in the kitchen, the house is well enough off that ignoring chores for one day won't matter. And besides that, today's chore is vacuuming the upstairs which is really not that difficult. I'll probably go ahead and do it just so I feel like I accomplished something today. But other than that, there is NOTHING on the schedule. What to do when there is nothing to do? I'm at a loss.


Rachael said...

yeah, that was TOTALLY my day yesterday--cranky, rainy, and nothing to do. so we...
--invited one of Abigail's friends over to play for 2 hours
--made a lot of food (bread, salsa, tortillas)
--went to the farmer's market

some of our other favorite we-need-something-to-do activities:
--go to a craft store and get some basic supplies (pipe cleaners, pom-poms, whatever) and make things with them the rest of the day
--go on a walk somewhere different
--do a picnic outside
--call up friends and go to the playground
--fingerpaint with chocolate pudding
--stick the kids in the bathtub for playtime/baths
--go to the library and play with their toys & puzzles, then get some new books
--surprise neil by bringing him lunch