Monday, May 12, 2008

My Funny Girl

(Cute Girl looking through the wrong end of the telescope.)
I just cannot withstand the temptation to post the funny little things that my kids do. In Cute Girl's case, it's the things she says that make us all laugh the most. Here are a few tidbits from the last week.

"No, Handsome Face. You can't have a crayon. A crayon is just for a Cute Girl and Daddy and Mommy. And most of all a Cute Girl."

Our little boy loves to watch his big sister and she knows it. As she was getting ready to go outside and play on Saturday after breakfast she stopped by her brother's highchair. "Handsome Face! You can see me out the window when you finish your breakfast, hon. I know, it's super cool!"

This one is for Uncle John. Pointing behind my head, Cute Girl says, "Look, Mom! A decoy!"

And for our last one, as we were driving out of our neighborhood on the way to church yesterday, we heard this come from the backseat. "Hey train! Say 'chugga chugga woot woot!"


whitney said...

I'm the exact same way. I just think kids are the funniest. I love the things Ezra tells Georgia too-they're the best!

John said...

HAHA! That Cute Girl is quite the mischevious trickster. I've taught her well. :)