For my next recipe, I'd like to introduce you to a lil' Midwestern cooking. I love Indiana food, and this is quintessential.
While that's heating up, take your cube steak and salt and pepper each side. Then coat in flour. A mix of white and wheat works real nice.Here's a nice example of cube steak. It's a piece of beef that's been tenderized. When we were first married, I asked the Rocket Scientist if he liked cube steak and he had no idea what I was talking about. I quickly educated him. If you're like him, just look in the meat case and the package will say 'cube steak.' Pretty straight forward.
Then plop them down in the heated skillet and cover. Check them after 3 or 4 minutes. You want a nice brown color on either side. Once the color is there flip'em over. They'll cook a little longer on the first side to make sure they're cooked all the way through.
If you like, you can then add a little water to the pan (just enough to cover the bottom completely) and steam them for 5 or 10 minutes. This will make them a little softer. I didn't bother this particular time. I just didn't feel like it.
Here's one of our side dishes. We have this all the time and it's 100% healthy. Zucchini or squash or both with mushrooms and onion, sauteed in olive oil. I throw in some pepper and garlic salt for flavor. Cook until it reaches the tenderness of choice. I like mine real soft. My husband likes it firmer. To each his own.
P.S. To truly be a Hoosier, cube steak MUST be eaten with ketchup. It's the only way.
Hey if you like cube steak you should try making swiss steak. It's super yummy. It's the same kinda idea... but we use round steak and tenderize it ourself, salt/pepper, flour, fry for a few minutes, then we take it out, clean the oil out and put it back in with a little water and simmer for an hour... add a whole (28 oz) can of tomatoes, 1 bell pepper and simmer for 3 hours. Yum. Serve over rice, and add lots of salt (I love salt).
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