Wednesday, December 12, 2007

So, I have decided that M may not have allergies at all but perhaps undiagnosed reflux that he's now growing out of. Granted, next week I may have a different hypothesis, but for now I'm sticking with this one. So today we switched him from the disgusting, smelly concoction that they call hypoallergenic formula to soy formula. If he doesn't increase his spitting up then we will assume that he's not allergic to soy and I can start eating again! Yea for real food!
And speaking of real food, it's difficult to eat sweets when soy, dairy, and peanut is off limits. A serious hardship for one with a sweet-tooth like mine. But today I had one, count them ONE, Swedish Fish that S said I could have. I looked at the ingredients and found sugar, corn syrup, and more sugar. Hooray for sugar!


Kristin Hanson said...

YAY! Food allergies are the worst! And I'm sorry I never sent you recipies - it was hard finding good ones and then I just plain forgot....

Rachael said...

i've heard reflux settles down a lot once they can sit up and sort of wiggle things into place...hope that's the case for M.

whitney said...

Georgia's reflux has defintely gotten better as she'd gotten older and Ezra's did too. Yay for being able to eat food though. Yay for sugar! Heaven knows I'm a sweet tooth too.

whitney said...

PS-You're right. Hyroallergenic formula has got to be the grossest stuff in the world. When Ez was on it (between spitting up and just spilled milk) he positively stank!