Monday, December 3, 2007

Serious lack of food here

Ok, so I need help. I'm on a restricted diet. (Yes, just in time for the holidays. Depressing, isn't it?) There are no recipes in my cookbook that I can eat so I need yours. I can't eat the following:

  • dairy
  • soy (this means all condiments, margarine, dressings, etc.)
  • garlic
  • onion
  • chocolate
  • peanut butter
  • broccoli/asparagus
  • And basically everything that tastes good or is readily available

And we're hoping eggs, corn, and wheat don't go too.

So if you have any ideas, please email them to me!

And on a related note, I'm also fishing for bread recipes. Particularly whole wheat bread so that I can start using my wheat in food storage. I want to try several types to find my favorite. So send them on!!!


Rachael said...

oh no! are you kidding me? Does M have allergies?

i'll fish out my ww bread recipe and send it your way!

Kristin Hanson said...

Wow, you are begining to sounds like me! What kind of recipies are you looking for? I can send over a whole bunch for ya.