Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pictures from Yesterday

My Handsome Face eating his lunch. I love that he holds his own bottle. Oh, and he's five months now. And he sat up by himself for the first time Sunday. It was only for a few seconds and not very deliberate, but we're working on it. I'm hoping for real sitting up action by Christmas or New Year's.
Cuties, aren't they?
S with the rainbow we made today.
Going for a walk in the not really cold weather but nonetheless wearing our "the wind is too much for us" gear. Oh! And S put this jacket on all by herself. I came downstairs and she had done up the zipper and everything! I told her to put it on but I had no idea she could handle the zipper alone!
Only here do you see chili peppers as lights at Christmas.

Thi is M after his nap. When he went down, he was swaddled and turned the other direction.

This is what usually greets me at the end of sleepy time.

ok, these are for Rachael, to make her feel better about life.

My house mid-morning.

Now, for redemption, this is what it looked like before I went to bed.


Kristin said...

I love it... mainly because that is how mine is going to look tomorrow. Matthew goes back to work and I'm officially on my own. Wish me luck!

Neil said...

you brought a much-needed smile to my face!

Neil said...

um this is rachael. i guess i'm signed in as neil.

Neil said...

um this is rachael. i guess i'm signed in as neil.

whitney said...

YOu made me feel eternally better to see your house mid-morning. Unfortunetly my house sometimes still looks like that mid-afternoon...mid-evening...midnight :P

Aubrey said...

All I have to say is DITTO. My house looks the same way. I quit picking up all day long. I just clean up after they go to bed, and they manage to tear it pieces the next day. Its the never ending circle! :)