Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christmas Shopping

So, we made the long trek into town today to go Christmas shopping. We kind of had to because half of the purchases I made last weekend had to be returned. Never shop for children without them there. Inevitably nothing will fit when you get home.
I was pleasantly surprised at how well-behaved the kids were. They did nothing to seriously disrupt the peace of the day. That was left to N and me. I was afraid the day was going to be ruined because we kept getting frustrated with the stroller. We have a great side-by-side double stroller. In most circumstances it works just great - but not at Christmas. They pack the aisles with all of these extra displays and there are people everywhere. We could never get to where we needed to be and it was always getting stuck. But we made it and I got more cute things for my kids. Funny how I keep going shopping and only come back with more stuff for the kids. At this rate the family isn't going to get any Christmas presents.
After lunch at McDonald's (S actually ate all of her applesauce and three chicken nuggets - yippee!) we went to Toys R Us. I don't know who had more fun - S or her dad. It was definitely the highlight of the trip. While we were still at the mall S kept telling me that she wasn't very happy because I wouldn't let her look at the toys in the department store. When I told her we were going to a huge toy store next she said:
"Do they have lots and lots of toys?"
Eyes going huge, "Do they have trains? Do they have lots and lots of them?"
And sure enough, she was captivated by every train we saw, and Toys R Us sure does have lots and lots of them.
Well, M finally crashed in my arms for a half hour or so at the toy store. Then they both crashed on the way home. Poor lil M went six hours with only an hour or so of sleep while he normally would have had four. S had her nap three hours late. When we got home everyone went to bed and took naps for the next hour and a half. M lasted almost three. The poor kid missed eating on time because he was passed out in bed. He was starving when he finally woke up.
Well, that was the great shopping adventure. Still to come, the great presents we found (like the block hammering toy that's impossible to find!).


Sarah said...

hey you!! I need your address!!!!!! will you email it to me? and way to go going that long on a shopping trip. I only have Andie and there's NO way she would've lasted! well maybe so since it's still warm where you live. Andie refuses to get dressed and go outside since it started snowing!