Tuesday, December 11, 2007

So Christmas is almost here!!! Yea! I love Christmas, but I hate getting up early. N disagrees on this point. His family wakes up four hours before dawn, then wakes everyone else up, then they open presents. In my family, we always had to wait until everyone woke up on their own - and my little sister could sleep! When I was younger, this drove me crazy, but now I kind of like it. Although, my dad has to work on Christmas (he's a paramedic with the fire dept) so we have to get up early anyway this year. N is very happy about this. Two years ago, when we were last at my family's for Christmas, I found him in the living room at four in the morning, sitting there all by himself reading a book. I think I was up because of S. He's nutsy.
So I was thinking about Christmas Eve, along with Christmas mornings, and I remember at least one Christmas when I was little that my sibs and I all took our mattresses off the bed and piled them next to each other on the floor. We slept in one giant bed together. It was fun. That's all.