Friday, December 14, 2007

Good Things

Guess WHAT!!!! My little prince slept from 7:30 last night until 6:30 this morning!!!! Woohoo! Yea for real sleep! The last time I slept through the night was when M was only a few weeks old and N took him downstairs and slept with him on the couch. Before that it was probably in my first trimester. I love sleep. Really. A lot. I do, honest.
And S has been staying in her bed through the night for the past three or four days. Yea for her too!!!!
And M attempted sitting for the first time on Sunday, which I think I've already mentioned. Well, he's been doing great ever since. On Tuesday he went almost thirty seconds. Since then I've quit timing it but I think he might have beat that record once or twice. I love when babies start sitting up. It's new freedom for both of us.
And (this is a lot of ands) S has been spending more time playing on her own and enjoying it, I think. It's not a lot more but anything is better than nothing. She's just so cute when she's in her toy room taking care of her babies, playing kitchen, and just generally being a good little mom!

Oh, but I've switched my M Hypothesis again. We switched him back to soy formula and he's been puking like crazy. Can a baby be allergic to soy but not milk? I sure hope so cause otherwise we're doomed to never eat again! But on the plus size, it is a great diet. I'm not sure but I think I've lost some of my baby weight. I didn't know my weight before and I don't know it now but I feel like I've lost weight. So we'll just say I did because it makes me happy.


Melanie said...

Yay for sleep! It is such a treat, isn't it? And I love your dirty/clean house pics- either way, it's a beautiful home!

Aubrey said...

Sleep is good. I think when anyone becomes a mother they treasure the sleep they get. I've been ignoring Hyrum at night when he wakes up randomly3-4 hours after I put him down. Does that make me a terrible mother? He goes back to sleep by himself after 10-15 of squirming and doesn't wake up until 5:30. I love when babies start sleeping through the night! I hope M keeps it up for you! I started a blog of my own. You should check it out, even though its not much right now. I miss you guys!

Rachael said...

oh!! i am so happy for you. that's great that your kids are finally can we keep mommy happy? way to go them.

necia said...

Let's hope they keep it up and it becomes not only a pattern but the norm. You had asked about what schools we have the kids in. Minnesota has a state wide program for kids called ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education). The classes start when they are babies and run all the way till Kindergarten. Ian is in the two's class one day a week. I go with him to class and they watch Colin for me. We go hang out with the other two year olds and work on sorting shapes, colors, letters, etc. They also do a lot of activities to develop their gross motor skills and their fine motor skills. Plus they both get to do some really cool art progects. Like rolling a golf ball covered in paint around in a box to paint paper that is in the shape of what ever the theme is that week. We had Colin in the three's class last year, but this year he is in their pre-school 3 days a week. I still go with him one day a week (and they watch Ian)and we work on the same kind of stuff I work on with Ian only harder. I am only in the classroom with each of them for 1 hour and then I separate and go to a parents discussion class. This is where all the parents in the group can ask for advice, or we just decide what topics interest us as a group and discuss those. I can't tell you what a difference in our lives these programs have made.

Kathryn Cooper said...

yay for sleeping!

whitney said...

Oh, I'm jealous! Georgia is a horrid sleeper. Yes, by the way, a baby can be allergic to soy but not to dairy. My kids are both allergic to dairy, but I know of kids who are just allergic to one of the other. When Georgia gets any kind of straght soy (like in soy formula) she vomits (like not just spit ups, but actually throws up) until it's completely out of her system. It's defintely a valid hypothesis on your part.

Kristin said...

I'm so jealous! Avery has been creeping out of her bed lately and Jeffrey decided he likes to eat every 2 hours... it all stops tonight... whatever I have to do, I'm doing it.