Sunday, October 7, 2007

Our Happy Baby is Back!

A few weeks ago at M's two month check-up, his pediatrician gave us a list of new things to do to stop M's spitting up. We previously took him in and saw another doctor who said there was nothing we could do for him since he wasn't losing weight. Well, his real pediatrician took a different view. He said he could still have reflux and be gaining weight and that throwing up all the time wasn't good for him (although he was very happy and it didn't seem to bother him). So we stopped bottles, had him sitting up all of the time, and took dairy products out of my diet. Well, he stopped spitting up but he also stopped being happy and sleeping like my angel baby did. Well, through trial and error we think we have figured out that it is milk that upsets him and since he is now allowed to have all the soy formula bottles his little tummy could desire, he is back to being happy and sleeping well again. Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief.

M, right after finishing his breakfast