Thursday, October 11, 2007

Dirty Faces are Happy Faces

S had a good ol' time today. First she helped Mom make cookies to take to the neighbors. She was begging the whole time to taste the batter. Mom finally gave in at the end and S had a go at the beaters. I think she got more on her face than in her mouth! Then S performed the amazing feat of eating THREE helpings of Dad's penne (I must admit, it was delicious). Amazing due to the fact that she usually eats two bites at dinner and then declares she's done. I personally like the red nose in these pictures.


Chelsea said...

Sadie's just getting cuter and cuter by the day! You really need to put more pictures of you (parents) on here. Hope you're enjoying Arizona! Kevin's applying for internships all over the place for next summer. We'll see how it all plays out.