Monday, October 8, 2007

A Bright Spot

Much to my consternation, just as I was putting S in bed for her nap, I heard the cries of a baby. Why is it that the two of them can't coordinate their sleep a little better? And on top of it all, M has barely slept an hour at a time today, while over the weekend, when Daddy was home, he took nice long naps. One even lasted four hours! Well, I was slightly annoyed at not being able to take a nap too, but I decided to take M downstairs and play with him one on one. After reading a book while dangling rings over his head (he thinks it's great) I turned on the second movement of the Toy Symphony. We listened to it twice while M sat on my lap and I moved his legs to the music. It was so nice to be surrounded by music and have a happy, giggling baby all to myself. It's rare that M and I get to play without background noise or S vying for attention. I was actually glad he woke up so that we could share some time together.


Kristin said...

I feel like I haven't read your blog in forever! I had to read all the way back to when you got your clock! Anyway, I'm glad to know that Maddoc is happier without milk, and that Sadie is doing so well with her preschool!