Friday, October 26, 2007

N's Birthday

It's official! N is now 26 years old and he's an old man! (At least he is until I turn 26 and then he magically transforms into a youthful young adult again!) So here are a few pictures of the day. There's S just being cute in her new clothes and then there are the birthday pics. S was ready to blow out N's candles long before he was! And his gifts were as follows: from M, the Fully Invested tee from BYU, from S, Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star, and from me, the boring ol' wireless computer router. Why did mine have to be the most expensive AND the one with the highest NERD factor?!?!?!?!

S is the one who insisted on the Birthday hats (and her's HAD to be green of course). And she kept talking about how Uncle John needed a birthday hat. Kind of hard when he was in San Jose. No idea where that came from.


Kristin Hanson said...

Dave's comment: "Hey, wireless routers are fun!" Who's the bigger nerd, your husband or mine?

John said...

I do need a birthday hat! How did she know? That Sadie is a smart one.