Sunday, October 7, 2007

Some Preschool Projects

Here are a few of the projects S has done in preschool. For jungle week she colored a monkey and hid him in the grass (he was playing hide-n-seek with lion, which is not really a jungle animal and I don't understand why African savannah animals are always in jungle picture books). For kitten week she colored a kitten, and then while Mommy was showering she got up onto the counter, into the cupboard, and covered her kitten in stickers. Incidentally, she also covered Daddy's D&C section 93 in stickers and broke a light bulb. Fortunately there was no lasting damage and S did not get hurt. Oh, and back to the jungle books that incorrectly portray which animals actually live in the jungle, Eric Carle's Slowly, Slowly, Slowly said the Sloth is the best jungle picture book out there. It is full of real jungle animals like caimans, tapirs, and anacondas. Not a lion or a giraffe in the bunch!


Kristin Hanson said...

Yay! A fellow Eric Carle fan! Not mention that he gets things right, his art work is amazing. Sadie looks so proud of herself - I love how smart she is!!