Monday, October 15, 2007

A M Update

S has been receiving more than her fair share of coverage lately, so I figured now it's M's turn. And there's so much to tell! But I must admit, you can't really appreciate just how much he's growing up without being here to squish the little cuddlebug.
First of all, he's growing like a weed, which is uncharted territory for us since S was always a runt. (A cute runt, but a runt nonetheless.) He was around the 80th percentile for height and weight at two months and he's growing out of clothes much faster than S did. The hospital was freaking out when he was born because he was way too tired to eat. But don't worry, he found his appetite. In fact, he found he liked food so well that the doctor worried he was overeating! Oh, and he's got some nice chunky cheeks and thighs that are just perfect to nibble on!
So, speaking of eating - he's finally quit spitting up! Yea! It has been determined that milk was the culprit (sad for me!). And since he no longer spits up everything we put in him, we no longer have to feed him constantly. That has made our life a little easier. But the no milk thing is horrible. The one nice thing is that the spitting is in proportion to the amount of milk consumed. So if we go out to eat or are at a church function, I don't have to worry too much about what I eat because the small amounts of spitting the next day are bearable.
Some of M's favorite things are: eating(no surprise there), dancing with S, looking at his reflection in the mirror, grabbing objects dangling in front of him (usually rings) and stuffing them in his mouth, chewing on his fingers, music time with Mama, playing with Dad, chewing on cloths, having Mama kiss his palms, and getting thrown into the air which makes him laugh hysterically!
And he's a good sleeper. Naps happen at regular intervals but the length of said naps vary greatly. But he sleeps from 8pm to about 6 or 7am and usually only wakes 2 or 3 times. That's doable.
So, here he is with Daddy.


Rachael said...

he looks a lot like sadie at that age! and i am deeply envious of his good sleeping habits...

Kristin Hanson said...

Thanks for the advice on the crib bedding - I think I'll go with it! You're so smart, Ashley. I swear I'll be coming to you to figure out how to work with this baby when she comes!