We had Filipino siopao last week. The kids thought it was lots of fun. For more photos, go here.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I'm playing on Dictionary.com in an effort to not eat a bag of M&Ms while my children drive me crazy.
I looked up the definition of sardonic and found that the origin of the word alludes "to a Sardinian plant which when eaten was supposed to produce convulsive laughter ending in death." How's that for a way to go?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
And here we are today
We're off to a good start today. I actually got up and went running in the dark - not my favorite - and showered and read scriptures before the kids were allowed out of bed. We had a big breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and berries since Cute Girl goes to preschool today and she'll need lots of energy. I even have the breakfast dishes washed already. Not bad, eh? My kiddos got some new things from the store this week. They were VERY excited.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
So, so, so much
I have been meaning to post all week, but life is just so full right now that I feel like I'm barely staying a float.
Yesterday was not such a nice day. I was not a good mommy or wife or housekeeper or anything. But we'll only mention the fact that I ate lots of M&Ms and had three pb/chocolate cookie bar things at RS last night. So very discouraging when the day before I hit the lowest weight I've had in months.
But this morning we are already doing better. I was awake by 5:30 to lay in bed and think about my day, read my scriptures and say goodbye to my husband. Handsome Face didn't wake up until 7am (?!?!) and I had already stripped my bed and started the wash, fed Cute Girl and myself, read her five stories, taken my allergy meds, and finished my internet updates. Oh, and Cute Girl had gone to the bathroom, made her bed, got herself dressed, and cleared her breakfast dishes. Not too bad.
We have now completed two weeks of seminary classes. It hasn't been as bad as I originally thought it would be. That is indeed a blessing. But it isn't a walk in the park either. Cute Girl is always disappointed when she isn't awake to say goodbye to her dad at 5:45 but I'm disappointed when she is. So the Rocket Scientist can no longer park in the garage because it wakes up all my children. He doesn't like it but he's pretty good natured about it.
I don't think either of us realized just how tired he would be. He only gets up 15 minutes earlier than before but with teaching a bunch of teenagers and then nine hours of work plus hour and a half of driving everyday, he's pretty worn out. Then he still has to come home, help with dinner and bedtime, do any home teaching that may be scheduled, and then prepare for the next day's lesson. We have some really exciting evenings in our house, let me tell you!
Last Sunday I was released as a Sunbeam teacher and called into the Young Women's presidency. I must admit that I am pretty happy not to be in Primary anymore. I loved my sweet, little Sunbeams but it was hard teaching them and I was always exhausted. I have never been in the Young Women and I'm excited to work with the Beehives. But all of a sudden there are activities that are coming and the details aren't worked out and I have no idea what I'm doing. It's kind of overwhelming. We have a shooting activity this Saturday that I'm not thrilled about but I feel like I have to go so I will. Hopefully the inactive girls it is supposed to be targeting will actually come.
One of the sisters I visit teach is also my neighbor and we're both in the neighborhood mommies group. She's less active and I try to do everything I can to help her, although I'm sure I don't do enough. She has a very spirited little girl who is eight months younger than Cute Girl. Last year her daughter was enrolled in preschool at the elementary but it's too expensive to enroll her again so she started a preschool group like Joy school. We meet twice a week for two hours and trade weeks so we each only teach once a month. Now, I am not a big believer in preschool. I've never felt like Cute Girl needed to go to preschool and she learns just fine at home. But I wanted to help my friend out so we joined the group. I'm constantly back and forth on it. I taught the first week and after the first day I was ready to quit. The kids are on all different levels and I couldn't keep them focused. Cute Girl got left to herself during table work because I was too busy helping everyone else. She filled an entire line with perfect A's and a's before moving on to B's because she was so bored. But then the second day was infinitely better and Cute Girl seems to like it. But I miss my freedom on Tuesday and Thursdays. We used to meet up in the park to play with neigborhood kids but that's getting harder to do. And then I realized that to walk Cute Girl to class and home again was going to take up to an hour and 20 minutes a day. For a two hour class! (We still don't have a car.) Once again I was ready to drop out but my friend Nicole is graciously driving her. But now I feel so indebted to her and I still haven't figured out how to get Cute Girl to Nicole's house when she's teaching and it's kept me up at night.
Oh, there is so much more going on in life but my kids are clamoring to get to the swimming pool. Life really is very full right now.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Hey, Grandma, watch this!
Look at my little fish! We're so proud of her. And she wishes she could go see her grandma in Indiana and prayed tonight that she will feel better soon. We hope so too.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Treasures Found
In my never-ending quest to find furniture, I scored a few treasures on Craig's List a couple of weeks ago. This wins top prize. A solid wood book case for 25 dollars. A little refinishing and it's going to be beautiful. My kids toys have already taken over.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Happy Wednesday!
I'm happy today. My friends came to my book party last night and they came again today to scrapbook. We're meeting other friends at the pool this afternoon. And tomorrow night I'm going to dinner with ALL my friends. My bliss would be complete if I didn't feel sorry for the poor man who I never see except when he's sleeping beside me. And even then he's still tired because early morning seminary is, well, early.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Today I was awake at 4:45am. I had to hurry and run before the Rocket Scientist rushed off to teach his first day of seminary. It was still dark.
All morning I've been a little (ie a lot) tired. I should have stayed home but we went into the city to shop with a friend because I already said I would and I felt bad backing out. And it was a fine day, although a little long, and now I'm really tired. Handsome Face is sleeping fitfully through his late nap and Cute Girl is bored. We just made a paper plate chick and now I'm waiting for the next craft request.
I should really clean my kitchen. Or plan FHE. Actually, I should probably do both. But I'm tired. The whole weekend of worrying about seminary (not even MY calling) wore down my nerves. Do you ever feel like that? It always amazes me how exhausted you can become just from thinking about something.