Monday, August 10, 2009


Today I was awake at 4:45am. I had to hurry and run before the Rocket Scientist rushed off to teach his first day of seminary. It was still dark.
All morning I've been a little (ie a lot) tired. I should have stayed home but we went into the city to shop with a friend because I already said I would and I felt bad backing out. And it was a fine day, although a little long, and now I'm really tired. Handsome Face is sleeping fitfully through his late nap and Cute Girl is bored. We just made a paper plate chick and now I'm waiting for the next craft request.
I should really clean my kitchen. Or plan FHE. Actually, I should probably do both. But I'm tired. The whole weekend of worrying about seminary (not even MY calling) wore down my nerves. Do you ever feel like that? It always amazes me how exhausted you can become just from thinking about something.


Katie said...

I hate that. Worrying about stuff is always the worst for me. Especially since I always have bad dreams about whatever I'm worried about.

Neil said...

holy cow! for your sake, I hope that you either find a new time to run or you're able to start going to bed at 8 pm--I used to go to the gym at 5:30 and I remember the hardest part was that the fatigue would hit right around 9 am when the kids were really revving up for the day after breakfast. ouch. i hope the rest of the week soars upwards from here!

oh, and this is rachael, since i just realized i'm signed in as neil.

Katie Rod said...

Yeah, why is it we worry about things until they wear us out? It probably has something to do with being a mom...or a wife...or a woman. That's one reason I didn't enjoy some of the time I spent in school--too much stress for me. I hope the first day of teaching went well!