Thursday, August 6, 2009

Handsome Face

This is my boy. I just love him to pieces.

It amazes me the differences I see from the first child to the second, from girl to boy. When Cute Girl was this age I thought she was so grown up. Handsome Face is still definitely my baby. That floofy blond hair doesn't help matters.
At this point Cute Girl was having long, fluent conversations and astounding us with her vocabulary. Handsome Face is just slightly ahead of the average language curve (very frustrating for me when I couldn't understand what he wanted at 18 months). But he's tackled this world in ways his sister never did. He's so physically active - running, climbing things, pushing things, throwing things... And the noises that come out of his mouth! I swear all little boys have motors built into the back of their little heads.
Lately he has taken to carrying the toy broom around and whacking balls with it, accompanied by a loud "WHOAAAA." He calls it "baseball." And he has crocodile and caterpillar pull toys that he will run around the house with. Dinosaurs and planes/helicopters top his list of cool things. Yesterday he was making his little dinosaurs eat everything in the house (me and his sister included). Just in the past two weeks he has decided he can quit moving long enough to read a book and now he's just devouring them.
He loves playing with his dad, chasing him around the house, wrestling, and playing the blanket game (Dad's a monster under a blanket). But he's a mommy's boy through and through. Nothing will make anything better but a kiss from Mommy.


Kristin said...

Same here... Jeffrey and Avery are SO different.

whitney said...

Ahhh, so cute! I love boys. It's amazing to me just how truly different the two genders are. Now having two of the the same gender w/my two girls, it astounds me just how different two siblings of the same gender can be. I love how each of our kids have their own little distinct personality, don't you?