Thursday, August 13, 2009

Treasures Found

In my never-ending quest to find furniture, I scored a few treasures on Craig's List a couple of weeks ago. This wins top prize. A solid wood book case for 25 dollars. A little refinishing and it's going to be beautiful. My kids toys have already taken over.

And here's my new desk. From the pictures we thought it was solid wood, the lady said it was solid wood and it was really cheap for solid wood. Then the lady emailed back saying she had moved the desk and discovered it wasn't solid wood. I was sad. But it's still a great desk and it was a good deal if not a great deal. I'm really loving it now that it's in my house though and everyone who sees it loves it too.


Sheri E. said...

I really like the desk!

Katie said...

I love looking for deals online. I can't wait till we have a house and I have an excuse to buy furniture. Those are some good finds.