Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Messy, messy

As Cute Girl wants to make crafts every day, her requests for such should not take me off guard. But they always do. I never have any idea of what we should do and it's usually not the best time for it (i.e. I'm on the computer or cleaning the kitchen). But she always insists that we do one RIGHT NOW. This takes some quick scrounging through cupboards and self-evaluation as to how much mess my stress levels can take.
Last week I managed to pull out some sponges and make Easter stamps. Cute Girl loved decorating cards and envelopes...while Handsome Face just painted his hands.

P.S. We have our first cousin and I'm finally an aunt! Yay for baby Dallin!


Katie Rod said...
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Rachael said...

Wow, I'm impressed. We break out the paints about once a month--my kids just want to read, read, read.