Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Best Part of My Day

In our house we often ask each other what the best part of the day was. Today wasn't the best day due to everyone being sick. But during bedtime I realized that we did have one bright spot.
The kids finished dinner early (because no one would eat it) so we had plenty of time for a leisurely bath and bedtime. And best of all, Dad was home to help! It was so nice to have everyone in the same room, just hanging out and enjoying ourselves, with no pressure to hurry. That was the best part of the day. Handsome Face laying on a bed of books

Cute Girl got extra stories

Watching the bubbles in the humidifier

Snuggling in sister's bed during songs

Getting attacked by the tickle monster


Katie said...

Cute! I love relaxing time spent at home not really doing anything special. And I love fluffy white hair.