Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What the World Could Do Without (just my soapbox)

I love having only one car. It's so much less expensive. Less gas. Less car payment (especially since I have owned mine for years and there is NO CAR PAYMENT). Less insurance. And more time since we consolidate all errands. But I really love showing the world that it can be done. I love it when people suggest we need another car and I say no, we really don't, and they look at me incredulously and then I put forth that we're completely happy and list the above reasons as verification of that fact. Yes, there are times when it would be convenient to have a second car, but I think most people would be amazed at just what they can do without and what they can come up with in a pinch. Now all of this goes along with my not owning a cell phone or paying for television. I LOVE not having a cell phone. Oh, the freedom. Instead of being on the phone in the car I talk to my husband. Instead of constantly texting about trivial things I spend time with my kids. "But they're so convenient! I get free long distance! I can call people on the other side of Disneyland! I can call people when we get to the restaurant and tell them where to meet us!" My answer? Having long distance is not that expensive, and by having the option to call unlimitedly and text all you want, you will. And you'll waste a lot of time doing it. And for the rest, how do you think people survived before cell phones?!?! Disneyland? Use walkie-talkies. One time purchase and WAY more fun (just ask N). And meeting up? Why not make your plans beforehand? It's just as easy to say "we're meeting here" before jumping in the cars as it is to call once you get there. And my mom agrees, so that means I must be right. Oh, and I have had car trouble once or twice and I survived without a phone. So there.

So, if I choose not to have multiple cars or cell phones, just let me alone. I'm perfectly happy, and I don't need everyone telling me how wrong I am. (Not that any of you reading this are the ones actually doing the telling.) If you choose to have them, fine. I would just rather put an extra $100 into our retirement every month than have a cell phone I could do without. Or buy $70 worth of home improvement items than have cable which will just induce me to watch even more television and not work on my house. Now you can all get on your soapboxes and tell me why having high-speed internet or buying name brand clothing is ridiculous. Those are my can't do with-outs!


Rachael said...

Ashley! My soulmate! We too have one car and no cell phones, and are perfectly happy. And we like our extra savings. :-)

Anonymous said...

join the 21st century

Kathryn Cooper said...

How do you live without a car all day? No Doctor appointments? No play groups? Maybe you drop N off for work or he takes a bus or something. Colt's work is a little over 30 miles away so me dropping him off isn't an option. I agree that it would save money. Good for y'all. And I'm a paranoid freak so I have to have a cell phone. If I go anywhere in the dark I'm calling Colt when I get there and when I'm leaving. Car problems don't worry me as much as freaky men. I've probably sent 1 text message in the past year. We haven't had cable either just an antenna since we've been married (3 years). I think I'm about to give in though. I can't take it much longer! More power to ya for saving money though.

Cherie said...

I am totally with you on the car and tv thing! Keith really wants cable but I think he just wants to watch boy stuff so I always talk him out of it! Walking rocks by the way! Kids should be getting exercise and it makes you buy less when you can only carry so much!

neil said...

I'm pretty sure I can't live without a motorcycle... or an XBOX.

Kristin Hanson said...

I love you, Ashley and your sound reasoning.

Add one more to your list: having a cell phone makes people think you will ALWAYS answer it and keep calling and calling until you do. Grrr. The only reason I have mine is because it's free and I'm not paying for a land line so tellemarketers can intterupt me.

whitney said...

I'm right there with ya on the one car and no tv thing. I'm waaay to paranoid and have driven too many crap cars to not have a cell phone (although they are our primary phones). It'll be a sad day if spencer's work situation ever forces us to get a second car. As for the TV, we do just fine w/our antanne (sp?), thank you very much. Sometimes I miss TLC (and What Not To Wear) from when we had free cable, but other than that, it really doesn't bother me. *shrug*

Rachael said...

oh, and as far as tv goes? who needs it when you've got the internet? we just watch dvds on our computer and take advantage of the free streaming on ABC and FOX online!

Kristin said...

We don't have cable, we "borrow" our neighbors internet, we have 2 paid off cars (we get a GREAT deal on gas through Exxon), and we do have cell phones, but no land line. I'm not trying to brag about what we do or don't have, but I'm pretty darn happy with our situation. And, I love my car... even if it might die tomorrow.

What I love about having no cable is, there's absolutely nothing to watch except for 4 channels that come in... which means I read a lot more!!