Thursday, February 28, 2008

Today is a day for self-reflection...

I workout.

My husband does not.

He is skinny. (You can see his abs.)

I am not. (Mine are buried under flab.)

Please explain.


Katie said...

He is a Crapo. That's the explanation. We can all eat our weight in food and probably loose weight from the energy it takes to digest the food. It's a hard life we live.

Kristin said...

He didn't give birth to two cute little kids. And if he did, let me know how because I'll have Matthew carry the rest of our family.

Anonymous said...

It all has to do with methabolism and genetics. Sorry.

Rachael said...

it's just cruel, cruel injustice.

also, it's cruel that women actually care what their bodies look like (and their clothes fit so that they have to care) whereas guys just don't.

talk about cruel injustices.

Sarah said...

so these are your birthday reflections??? You are funny. Hope you had a great birthday friend!

whitney said...

I have to agree w/Kristin-unfortunetly I sense carrying two children behind those abs for 40wks each had something to do w/it.