Wednesday, February 6, 2008

S always takes issue with me leaving her home with her dad. Doesn't matter where I'm going or how long I'll be gone, she demands that either I take her with me or Daddy goes instead. Last night she followed me to the garage as I was leaving to go to the polls. She wasn't happy, but at least she wasn't hysterical. But of course as soon as she goes back into the house, the questions start. She wanted to know where Mommy was going...

Daddy: "Mommy's going to go vote."
S: "Why?"
D: "Because it's her civic duty."
S: "I don't want her to do her civic duty."

Then this morning S was talking about Daddy's sticker. She wanted to know why he had a sticker.

Me: "Because Daddy went to vote. It was his civic duty."
S: "Oh. I forgot to get my sticker. I forgot to do my civic beauty."


Rachael said...

thank you for making me laugh even though my clogged sinuses are trying to commit suicide. civic beauty. i love it.

whitney said...

Thanks for always posting S's conversations w/ya'll. They're so fun to read and just make me smile. They remind me of how much I love my kids.
Doing you civic beauty, huh? I'll have to remember that one:)