Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Traditions march on...

I am not a packrat. In fact, I take immense satisfaction from cleaning out and throwing away. I love it. But there are a few things that I won't throw away - not for my benefit - but my mother's.
My mom has always held on to things a little more tightly than I have. She thinks of her posterity in these cases, and the enjoyment they will have in looking them over in the future. One of the things she treasures are the cards that she has been given over the years. And I must admit, it's kind of fun looking at the cards she was given as a baby. They're so very 1960s. I could actually see decorating a toyroom or little girls room in such motif. But I digress.
Greeting cards from my mother are always to be expected when a major holiday or event occurs. Or sometimes just because. It's a family tradition. (They also come from my grandmother.) Most of the cards I have received have gone the way of the recycling bin but there are still a few that I hold on to. Like the card my mother gave me the day I received my endowment. She always manages to find just the perfect something that sums up all of the feelings and emotions wrapped around whatever life change might be occurring.
And the tradition marches on. Cute Girl has quite the pile of cards on her closet shelf and Handsome Face has a beginning. Despite my "pitch-it" tendencies, I'm holding on to them. Cute Girl adores getting mail and her great-grandmother, grandmother, and aunt make sure that she gets her fair share. And so, we begin our tribute to them. And someday we'll all sit down together and Cute Girl can giggle and ooh and ahh over all the funny little things she got in the mail when she was little.