Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Last Christmas Post Ever

Ok, so we're almost finished. First I just have to say, that this is the cutest boy in the world. His sister's not so bad either.

So here's the Christmas loot. First the toys. Not too bad. Although this doesn't include what we got for them. Like the huge kitchen that's parked in the playroom.
Then there are the books.

Oh, wait. I forgot one.This monstrosity came from Aunt Julie and Uncle Christian. I'm sure Julie was cackling maliciously as she thought of us lugging this thing home on the plane. But we did it. More on that later.
And then, Oh My Gosh, the clothes.
I just want to point out that most of the things on the floor are covered up and you're actually only seeing a few square inches of them. I could be wrong, but I think I just counted 45 different pieces. For two children. Spoiled, no?

So N is the packing genious. He got all of this stuff, including the monstrosity, a baseball bat, an electric drill, the largest sewing basket known to man, and a whole bunch more into our airplane luggage. We had three LARGE suitcases, all within two pounds of the 50 pound limit. And then there were still more bags.

ok, we're finished. Really.


whitney said...

Oh. My. Heck. That is a lot of stuff. My kid's Christmas loot probably would've looked similar. It's not like we can control how much people give them, right? How fun are the books, though-I love kids books!