Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's 8:30 in the morning and I've been awake since 5:30, "officially" up since 6:45. I've changed two sets of soaked diapers/pajamas, two dirty diapers, given one bath, and dressed two squirmy children. I have made one bottle, one milk cup, and three bowls of cereal. I have taken out trash, brought the garbage can in from the curb, gathered dirty laundry, and cleaned up spit-up more times than I can count.

Can it be nap time yet?


Aubrey said...

Oh, its one of THOSE days, huh? Stick in there, you can do it! Isn't being a mommy wonderful?! You especially appreciate when they're all asleep! :)

Kathryn Cooper said...

Oh I know! I definitely count down to nap time some days.

whitney said...

Since Ezra's stopped taking naps (when we took the binky away about a month ago), the days have seemed MUCH longer! Just hang in there!

necia said...

I am so sorry!!! I hate those days.

Rachael said...

ah, motherhood. and all its accompanying "joys."