Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas Pictures, Part I

This is the pony my father just had to buy for S last year so she would have something to play with at their house. Much to everyone's annoyance, it sings, "I'm a pretty pony, clippity clop, clippity clop. Such a pretty pony, clippity clop, clippity clop. I love to have my coat brushed underneath the old oak tree. Come and run, we'll have lots of fun, so come and play with me." Just imagine your Christmas vacation with THAT running through your head non-stop.

There's an old mall in the downtown of my hometown that is about to be gutted and remodeled, much to Neil's chagrin. It has an indoor playground that's so old I played on it. Neil loves this playground because it is completely not up to modern safety codes for playgrounds and, therefore, it is fun. Nothing like a bit of danger for having a good time. But, the playground is on it's way out and more sterile, watered down something or other will take its place. Here are some pics of our final visit.


Kristin Hanson said...

So, I hear that M has quite the range with his projectile vomiting...

Rachael said...

i was amused by the "not up to code, therefore it's fun" playground comment, because that is EXACTLY like something my husband would say. love it.

and i can sympathize with the grandparent parents have a slide (indoors) for abigail, which she totally loves and it keeps her amused, but it's also sort of terrifying, especially when she picks up a sheepskin rug and slides down that to really pick up some speed...into the fireplace...