Friday, January 18, 2008

Since S was crying in her room because she hates going to sleep, I thought I'd chat about her for awhile.
Kids are always saying the funniest/weirdest/rudest/cutest/kindest/sweetest things, and she is no exception. Yesterday she saw that her magnet board had finally been hung up and when I told her that I did it and not her dad, she said "That was pretty nice, Mom!" She also took to calling me Mommy Crapo yesterday. From somewhere, much to my consternation, she picked up "My bad." Whoever thought it was EVER a good idea to say such a ridiculous phrase was.... well, never mind. But to make up for it, she has demonstrated that she really is grammar conscience, saying "May I" instead of "Can I." I'm not sure where she picked that one up either. I'd like to say it was from me. Honestly, I can't think of where else it could have been. Do I really speak that well? oh, and everything is "super cool" nowadays.
Some of you, well all of you really, may have seen the picture of the two kiddos at the end of the previous post. As I was snapping that picture S was putting her arm around her brother and announcing, "Just two kids ready for the picture!"
And S has imaginary, well, things. I'm not sure you could actually call them friends, as they are usually being unruly and needing punishment. Today S was yelling "NO! NO! NO!" When I told her to stop she said she was yelling at Gallo because he was hitting Gauk. When I told her to just tell Gallo to please stop she explained that she was yelling at him "because he just did it on purpose." So then she put Gallo in time out on the couch, went to the drawer under the timer I use for her time outs and pretended to punch buttons. Then she went to sit on the couch too. I asked if she was going to sit by him for his time out. She said, "He just has to have a big talk." Nothing like your kids play to show you what kind of a parent you are.


Aubrey said...

I think that's HILARIOUS! I find Madison getting funnier by the second because of the sentences she puts together. Aren't kids so entertaining?!

whitney said...

I love her imaginary things. I agree-nothing like kids repeating everything you say and imitating your discipline for you to realize just how you act around them. She sounds so cute, though!