Monday, January 14, 2008

Christmas Pictures, Part XXXVVVIII (ok, not really)

On New Year's Eve the whole family took a trip to the St. Louis City Museum. Talk about fun. It has a million different things to look at, and best of all, climb on. It's like a giant playground that magically transforms even the most boring ol' adult into a six-year-old. And so just imagine what it does to my Rocket Scientist of a husband who secretly harbors ambitions of doing nothing but playing at Disney Land as a career. At the Museum there is a skateless skate park. There are parts that are practically vertical drops that you slide down. S even got to the point that she would do it alone. I love this picture. Doesn't it just look like she's free falling?

And sorry about the angle. I just can't seem to stop myself from turning the camera while taking video. It's a disease.

M even got to climb all over the place.
This is a fire truck that's mounted outside, like three stories up. There's also a plane, lots of slides, big wire tunnels, etc. And all of it is millions of feet off the ground.
We are coming out of the biggest slide ever. It comes out in a bunch of concrete caves. And for once this camera angle is correct. We came out almost sideways.

And just to prove that the Christmas pics are almost over, this is N and M packing to go home.


Aubrey said...

SO Fun! I enjoy seeing your Christmas never-ending fun!

whitney said...

I"m so impressed-ya'll are definitely picture-takin' maniacs! I always seem to forget my camera. Kudos to you!

Rachael said...

ooh, this looks like so much fun!