Monday, November 5, 2007


While wrapping M's Christmas presents: "This dog is fabulous!"

While Trick-or-Treating: "I'm just terrified about the dogs."

During naptime: "Don't lock the door 'cause it makes me sad."

All the time: "I need a two-ze-ro (Tootsie Roll)."

"S put Daddy's treat back."
"No I need you to eat it."
"Cause I don't get a treat cause I wasn't nice to my brother."

While taking her shoelaces out: "No! Don't! I don't like it when you come! Stop, stop, stop!"

Running down the hall: "Don't step in my poo diaper. It's grossie!"


Chelsea said...

I can't tell you how many times I've been running down the hall saying, "Don't step in my poo diaper!"
These are great! I hope I can keep track of stuff like this when I have babies.

Kristin Hanson said...

I'm still laughing!

Rachael said...

these crack me up. i love it when kids discipline themselves or remind you that they were bad...for some reason that always cracks me up when abigail tells me "i need go in time out, cause i didda no-no."

Kathryn Cooper said...

Crapos! How are you? This is the Cooper family. Saddie is so funny. How cute! Tyson only says ball, but I can't wait until he starts to talk more.