Monday, November 5, 2007

Musings from Sunday

On Saturday we had a baptism and welcomed the Lintow family into our ward. As a ward missionary, N has been able to watch their progress up close. It's amazing what a difference the gospel can bring about in people's lives. This family looks so different from what they did just a few months ago and they are so happy. N got to baptize the youngest daughter. She's in senior Primary so I'm guessing she's 9 or 10 years old. When she came up out of the water she had the biggest grin on her face and started clapping her hands uncontrollably, she was so excited. It was really cute. And I was extremely impressed at how the ward turned up to support them. The Relief Society room was packed and the front was lined with itty bitty Primary children. (As a side note, when I told S we were going to a baptism Saturday morning, she requested that she be allowed to play in the baptising water.) Most of the people there hadn't even met this family. It was great to see. Now I need to start following their example and get to know this new family better, as most of what I know of them has been learned vicariously through N.
And speaking of our ward, we seem to have a pretty good one. We don't really know a whole lot of people and therefore don't have too many friends (boy I miss Utah sometimes!), but the people here do seem to be strong members. Everyone does a good job of serving in their callings from what I can see and the missionary effort seems to be moving ahead. Our ward is growing by leaps and bounds, albeit that's due mostly to new move-ins. There are already three wards in our chapel and we need a fourth, but the building is too small. Kind of amazing considering the third ward was just added in April. I'm hoping we get a new chapel announced soon (maybe a stake?).
So, I'm a CTR 6 Primary teacher. Primary hadn't even crossed my mind as a possible calling when we moved to this ward. I've worked almost exclusively in Relief Society my entire adult life! So I was a little surprised (and not too excited) when that call came. It's working out though. At times I even enjoy it! But mostly it's just hard. I'm not a teacher (history major with NO teaching certificate, there's a clue) but have enjoyed teaching adults in Church because that's more of a discussion leading type assignment. And adults at least stay quiet even if your lesson is awful. Kids are a whole other story. I feel sorry for them a lot, as my lessons aren't that exciting. But on the flip side, a few of them don't make it too easy. They are all good, smart, sweet kids. But there are two imparticular who just can't seem to behave during class. I'm at my wits end! I've no idea what to do with them. And since I am not a great teacher, all attempts to engage them in a new way has failed miserably. Oh well. They are sweet sometimes. I'll probably still be their teacher in the new year, so maybe they'll grow out of it a bit (don't squash my deluded hope!).


Sarah said...

i subbed in primary a few weeks while our new ward was getting organized. Here's something I learned. (it took me a week or two to learn it) Have them act out parts of the lesson and participate. They love it and it makes for more fun interaction. And seems to cut out some of the random "my sister said" or "one time..." comments. :)