Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Star Wars

My kids have been asking a lot of questions about Star Wars lately. I'm not sure why. It must be the Lego Star Wars pajamas that Madoc got for Christmas. They want to know who all the characters are. So we decided we would watch the movies so they could see what it was all about. I think these are the most grown-up movies my kids have ever watched. Madoc thought they were awesome and would cry out in glee whenever something exploded. Sadie kept asking "who is that guy?" The answer was always Luke Skywalker. She just couldn't seem to keep track of him through all the costume changes.


Karen C. said...

I'm glad to see that Sadie and Madoc are receiving a proper Star Wars education. Its never too early to start the light saber training.

Abby said...

Star Wars is a must! Afterall, we had it memorized as kids. Madoc will be getting more Star Wars stuff for his birthday, so I'm glad he's getting into it.

Katie said...

They are so funny. I'm glad they are learning about Star Wars. I know people my age that haven't seen it. It's a travesty.

Alan C said...

Yea for light saber training.