Sunday, March 20, 2011

Magical Tools

In an effort to keep some control over the messes in the house, we've instituted a rule that upstairs toys are not allowed to be brought downstairs. Oddly enough, we have no problem with downstairs toys making their way upstairs. Probably for the same reason that upstairs toys have such a hard time getting back upstairs. That tricksy gravity has turned our stairs into a toy diode. (And that nerdy observation should make it obvious that Neil is writing this entry.)

There are a few important things to note about the following picture. (Madoc's hair is not one of them, though it is entertaining.) Those tools are very much an upstairs toy. That boy is downstairs.

Here is what he had to say on the subject:

"The tools came downstairs all by themselves.

"They turneded into a person and came downstairs and I didn't knowded because I was hiding. I was in here."

Well, that's a relief. And here I thought somebody was breaking the rules.


Katie said...

HAHAH!! I liked the diode part, and Madoc is just too funny.

Karen C. said...

Madoc is a very clever story-teller. I think he gets that from his father...

Very cute.

Alan C said...

He is a very clever boy. I think you should teach him about entropy next so he can understand his contribution to increasing or decreasing entropy.

Sheri E. said...

He is so stinkin clever. I love his explanation.