Monday, September 8, 2008

Need a Handyman?

Cause I got a real cute one right here. Here's what my husband (and a whole lot o' other husbands from the ward) did this weekend.

I now have a beautiful extension to my patio. Pouring concrete took about 4-5 hours. I was exhausted by the time the day was over and all I did was make lunch! On to the next stage of backyard landscaping.
And a Kool-Aid stained Cute Girl.


Chelsea said...

How exciting! Did you make a thumb print in it?
How have YOU been lately? Is it cooling down there yet?

whitney said...

That's so fun! Just think, when it cools off a bit, ya'll can hang out in the evenings on your new and improved extended patio! WooHoo! (love the pic of the handyman, btw)