Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 15

There were a lot of things that bothered me today, so I'm going to be extra grateful.

My husband is an excellent cook. Like really, REALLY good. And that is good because once I had kids, cooking became a chore for me. Today he made an apple pie and baguettes for our dinner tomorrow (we're having company). That way all I will have to make is the coq au vin (sans vin). And there's even a mini pie for me to eat right now with all natural vanilla ice cream!

Yesterday we finished the field stone path in the backyard. Yay!

I got my oil paints out today. I love all the different brushes I have. It was fun and now there's more artwork for Cute Girl's room.

I didn't have to stay after church for choir because we won't be here for the Christmas program. Instead I came home and my husband made me fried rice while I read on the couch.

I didn't have to teach in YW and our Sunday School lesson was excellent. I love good teachers.

I made white enchiladas for dinner that didn't use creamed soup as the base. They were yum! And that is good because I keep looking for a whole-foods-only recipe for them but Cute Girl keeps telling me she likes the old ones better.


Sheri E. said...

I want to see pictures of this stone path.

neil said...

Pictures here:

Rachael said...

so i want to know how you do coq au vin sans vin, because I want to do boeuf bourgignon (I'm too tired to care if I spelled that right!) but Neil says it won't work without the wine. do you use grape juice?