Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pillow Fight

We took time this morning to just hang out all together. The Rocket Scientist had just come back from picking up more furniture I bought off of Craig's List and the kids were a little stir crazy. So before we started the next item on our Saturday To-Do List we played one of the kids' favorite games - pillow fight. Normally this is a Daddy-ONLY game and I try to pick up the house real quick while the kids are occupied. But today I joined in. It was lots of fun. No one likes this game more than Handsome Face.


whitney said...

How fun! I'll attempt to join in the occasional only-daddy game and I'm always pleasantly surprised with just how much fun they are.

Sheri E. said...

Looks like a fun game. I love how handsome face jumps on his daddy. He has learned well.

Katie said...

So cute! Is she calling him little brother? That's just precious.

Grandma Shoaf said...

I love watching the video and hearing their voices. It gives me my fix for the day.