Thursday, October 1, 2009

Conference Prep

Preparations for General Conference are in full-swing in our house. I hope it is a lovely weekend. I always have such high hopes for the weekend and I always feel a bit let down at the end. The spiritual nourishment is always excellent but I feel like a fall through on my end of the deal.
So today we're trying to clean the whole house, top to bottom. For me I must have an immaculate physical environment in order to be most open to the Spirit. I don't want to be in the middle of a session thinking about the dishes in the sink.
And I've been thinking about our conference traditions and what I want to adjust. So here's my question: what does Conference weekend bring to your home? Any preparations that HAVE to be done? Special meals to share? Fun games for the kids? I'll share mine if you'll share yours!


Kathryn Cooper said...

Thanks for reminding me to clean my house! That is a big part. I already have all the snacks and print offs for the kids. My friend emailed me a packet with Bingo and coloring activities and other fun games for the kids during conference that helps them to pay attention and listen for key words. Some of it's too old for my kids. I bet you can find some things on the Friend magazine website.

whitney said...

Spence and I haven't really had the chance to start any traditions of our own...we'll see what the weekend brings.

Rachael said...

we have a special snack for the kids when they hear words from their list (which they compile themselves prior to the first session). it helps them to listen and focus a bit better!

and i always try for really great meals that are several hours in the making so that I can start them between sessions and then eat as soon as a session finishes, since we're on Eastern Standard Time and therefore all the sessions coincide with meals.

this is the first year we're watching conference at my parents' house--we'll see how it goes. I missed most of April conference because I'd just had surgery the day before, so I was totally out of it. it will be so nice to be "there" this time!!

Katie said...

Well, we don't have older children so we don't have to worry about that yet, but just last year we started a tradition on driving up the alpine loop to see the fall colors in between sessions. We'll keep this up as long as we are in Utah. I think it helps us to take a moment to enjoy the beauty of the earth and be thankful for our blessings.

Another tradition that I used to have when I was younger was to get out the lotion, nail clippers, and nail polish and do pedicures. I would also massage people's feet. Kinda weird, I know, but it would help me sit quietly and listen. I'm sure cute girl would love a pedicure. Maybe I'll convince Ryan to massage my feet.

a bunch of BS said...

So, I wasn't planning on doing anything, but your blog post inspired me. S is still under 2 so sitting sit just doesn't really happen. What I ended up doing was creating little "stations" for her. I pulled out her big stuffed animal chair and put the Friend and some books around it, and then had her art table with paper and pens ready to go and then a blanket up on the couch by us. While there was a bit of wrangling that happened here and there, it worked out pretty well. She would run back and forth between reading, watching and coloring. The lucky thing was though that we only had to do this for the morning session. I pushed nap time out a tad so she was sleeping during the afternoon session.