Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Program for Today

We're making donuts today. I love donuts. Especially when they're hot and fresh and made from scratch. We only do this on special occasions as the process takes so much time. But Abby saw pictures from Christmas of our donuts and she wanted some so I said I'd make them.
That's the good part of today. The bad part is that Handsome Face is on his third day of fever, Cute Girl slept horribly and wet the bed because now she's coughing and started feeling awful (she wouldn't stop shivering after I cleaned her up and put her back in bed), I'm coughing, and the Rocket Scientist has a bum shoulder again and can't do anything. Oh, what a day.


whitney said...

I'm so sorry! Sick kiddos (especially when you're sick yourself) are no fun at all! Our house is similar right now. It's like the plague of here :P

Look at you though, Miss Betty Crocker, makin' donuts anyway!

whitney said...
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Katie said...

Oh sad. I'm sorry your birthday wasn't that awesome. I meant to call and I forgot. I hope you could feel me sending you happy birthday vibes.