Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hey Look! I'm blogging!

Well, I already established that I'm boring in the last post, but to top it all off my sister came into town unexpectedly and I haven't done a thing for a week. I love having company!

We haven't really done anything out of the ordinary just because Abby's here - she just tags along with whatever I'm doing. But since we have her car I have been able to do lots of shopping and errands that I wouldn't have done otherwise and that has lowered my stress levels considerably.

(Chocolate chip cookie Star Wars man)

The kids love having her here, especially Cute Girl, with whom she shares a room. She is constantly yelling through the house, asking where Abby is because she MUST know her whereabouts at all times. Abby must play and read and craft with her all day long. I think Abby's getting a little tired!

(Cute, Cute Girl)


Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

OMG! are your little babies seriously this big already?? i cant believe how time flies, well, sometimes i dont blog for weeks and nobody notices. I think its cause im boring. eh well. life is boring sometimes.