Monday, February 23, 2009

Pertaining to things Spiritual

These stories are all old. I'm a lazy blogger.
Cute Girl has been in Sunbeams for two months now. Luckily, we had no problem with transitioning her from Nursery. But even though she didn't cry or throw tantrums, she also didn't participate. She just sat there on the front row, turned around holding onto the back of her chair, watching all the other kids. But she was there and quiet so whatever.
A few weeks ago I overheard her playing at home and singing the new song we've been learning for our Primary Program. I had no idea she knew the words as she gave no sign of it in class. So we started practicing the new songs during Family Home Evening with loudness contests between Cute Girl and the Rocket Scientist. Cute Girl always won. Along with practicing we started harassing her about singing in Primary too.
So last week, out of the blue, she started singing. She was the only little Sunbeam in her class (we have four) singing, keeping time by pounding her fist in her hand, and mimicking the hand motions of the chorister. It was so cute!
But to top it all off it was Ward Conference and the Stake President was visiting Primary. When he got up to speak he asked Cute Girl's name and her age and went on and on about the three year old who knew all the words to the song and about how important it is to learn through music. And after church several people told me that he went into Relief Society and raved about her there too. She certainly picked the right day to come out of her shell.
And the next day we had Family Home Evening and learned about Jesus Christ being baptized. Here is her interpretation of events. Notice that she even drew their feet in the water, John holding Jesus by the arm, and that Y thing on the right is the Holy Ghost bird.


Katie said...

I love that Jesus and John look like snowmen. That is pretty dang good for someone so young, though. She always has been a genius.

Neil said...

I've got one for you--Abigail told me today that when the Lamanites became wicked again, the Holy Ghost left them and came over to visit us.

I love the little minds!

Neil said...

oops...this is Rachael...