Tuesday, October 14, 2008

No Cookie Monsters Here

Here's the lovely new haircut. Not that you can really see it very well in these pictures. But here's a funny story to go along with them.

(This one focused on the microwave. Why did the camera think I wanted the microwave?)

This afternoon we dug out some frozen cookie dough. Cute Girl loves it when I tell her we'll bake some cookies after naps. And of course she needs a "taste" as I'm forming neat lil' lines of chocolate chip goodness on my cookie tray. So I oblige her and then must do the same for her brother. Every time he wants more I hear a "euhhh, euhhh" down around my knees.
Later after the cookies came out and were cooling, Handsome Face threw himself onto the family room floor and cried. And cried. And cried. Until I decided the cookies were cool and went and pulled him up. I took his hand and asked him to show me. He went straight for the stove and reached for the pan. So we set up shop at the table and he got his cookie.After a bite or two this is what I got. This has happened before. And I could never figure out why a kid would cry while eating a cookie. He eventually got mad and angrily crumpled his cookie up. Slowly enlightenment began to dawn in my brain. I grabbed the chocolate chip bag and doled out a few. He wasn't thrilled but he took them better than the cookie. I tried hand feeding him bites after that. He took one and refused the next. Know what the problem was? He didn't want a cookie. He wanted the DOUGH!


Katie Rod said...

Ha ha! What a stinker.

whitney said...

Ahhh, a man after my own heart. Ezra's the same way-the baked good isn't nearly as tempting as the dough/batter.