Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was my husband's birthday. It was also the craziest day of the week. First scrapbooking friends come in the morning, then the neighborhood picnic in the park, then clean house/make cake/finish costumes/make dinner, then dinner and birthday fete, then ward Trunk-or-Treat/Fall Festival. Too much. Just too much.
But we got it done, with only a few minor glitches. Like the grass being soaked at the picnic and then the sprinklers turning on. And Handsome Face smearing chocolate chip cookie all over a fresh pile of laundry. And him squirting soap all over the bathroom and Cute Girl playing in it with her unfinished costume on.
We had to do cake and presents after the Halloween party cause there just wasn't time. Here are the pictures. Happy Birthday honey!Cherry Cream Dessert took the place of cake this year. It was yummy. Cute Girl showing her birthday cake picture to Daddy.

The kids gave Daddy this book and some A&W for root beer floats. I just gave him a bunch of boring ol' tools.


Katie said...

YAY for his birthday. I'm so glad you posted pictures. I was waiting. What is cute girl going to be for Halloween?

Karen C. said...

Happy Birthday to Neil. Rootbeer floats and Cherry Cream Pie all in one day! You must have been a good boy this year.