Monday, June 2, 2008

Yesterday I got reprimanded by my mother-in-law for not posting in the last week and a half. And I must admit, I have been remiss. But the last week has just been a crazy circus around here without much actually happening. And I haven't been taking pictures and who wants to see a post without pictures?
Well, here's a recap of last week which will probably be boring but I've nothing better to blog about...
We had a four-day weekend over Memorial Day. So nice. We went garage saleing/thrift shopping. I got a cool old wooden high chair (no idea where it's going yet), Rocket Scientist got the old school game of Life (I didn't remember it having so many rules!), and Cute Girl got three new Curious George books (we have them memorized already) among other things.
Last Sunday church got moved to 2pm to make room for a fourth ward in our building. On Monday we played outside, decided to pour a concrete slab in the backyard to extend the patio, and barbequed hamburgers. Oh, and I made a lovely cherry pie in honor of Memorial Day and ate it all week long, thereby negating any weight loss made over the preceding weeks.
The week was filled up with cleaning, budgeting, coupon/sale searching and grocery list making, and playing phone tag trying to get a hold of all four of my inactive visiting teaching sisters. I went to a Girls' Night out at Olive Garden and a RS bookclub that I found was just not for me. I was busy. And my husband had to go out with the missionaries so we didn't spend a single weeknight together. But on Friday we made up for it. We had movie night and watched Arthur and the Invisibles over our bbq pork sandwiches. Cute Girl loved it. While we were all enthralled, Handsome Face got into the garbage and started eating her leftover fajita from the night before. So gross. Once they were all in bed I got to watch The Importance of Being Earnest. So fun!
And that's it. Boring but busy.


Rachael said...

Importance of Being Earnest--one of my very favorite movies ever, and one of the few I actually own!

and i must commiserate with you on afternoon church--misery of tired children. i am so excited to switch times next January and actually enjoy my Sundays again! hope your kids deal with it better than mine do...