Monday, June 9, 2008

Need some extra cash?

This is my favorite article of the day. And I don't have a single one of them.


Melanie said...

Ooh- good article. I'm happy to say I'm doing alright. I especially love the no second car argument- I pride myself on that one!

Chelsea said...

One they could have added is popcorn at the movie theatre. Or the movie theatre for that matter. When we go to the dollar theatre, I always make sure I've just eaten a meal, because then the popcorn doesn't smell so tempting.
And don't get me started about the regular theatres. It is ridiculous to pay 8-9 dollars a person to see the newest flash-in-the-pan movie hit, when you can wait a couple months and watch it in your own home for like 1-2 dollars-- total!
And chances are, it isn't that great of a movie, so you'll just skip it once it hits the redbox.

Katie said...

I totally agree with you that we need to cut ridiculous expenses from our lives. But what is the point of living in the 21st century if we can't enjoy the technological advances and comforts that are available. I have to have a cell phone for my work and I absolutely love it. It has internet and google maps so I'm never lost. And when I lived in St. Louis we used our cable/satellite to watch General Conference. If you CAN afford to have comforts, why not?