Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Just for Whitney

Since she asked about the stroller, here goes.

This is a Combi Twin Savvy. I like the Combi brand because the strollers are lighter and more compact than the more traditional brands. They fold up more like an umbrella stroller would, but they still have features like cup holders, baskets, car seat attachments, etc. They are lighter (although the double stroller is still a bit heavy, just not AS heavy) and therefore more convenient to carry and put into cars. As compared to other strollers, the baskets aren't as big or as easy to get into. You trade that for the lightness and compactness. Some people also like larger wheels on their strollers, and these don't. I think they've held up well though.

As for double strollers in particular, we chose the side by side rather than the front-to-back. The side by side is easy to push (although with a heavy child on one side, it pulls to that side) and it turns on a pivot, so you don't need extra space to turn around. You do need more sidewalk room than the front-to-back though. We decided we liked the easier to push model better even if we would take up more room. The only time we've had a problem is at the mall during Christmas when everyone was there and the racks were packed in together. If we had a front-to-back model, we would have been able to move straight forward better, but we wouldn't have been able to turn around ever. We mostly use it around the neighborhood, since S is old enough that she usually wants to be out walking when we go places.

My stroller is last year's model. It doesn't have the fancy removable diaper bag. We tried all of the strollers out at Babyies R Us and USA Baby, and then did a Google Product search to find the best price and shipping deal on-line. Whatever you choose, if you can find it cheapest at Wal-Mart online, you can do a free ship to store. Other places will often waive shipping for orders over a certain amount. We got ours from an online baby boutique who just happened to have the best deal. I think the car seat came from someplace else.

You can browse the models here. There are even video demonstrations so you can see how they fold up.